
Introduction to the module of conducting giveaways.


To create a giveaway, use the following command: /giveaway create <number of winners> <giveaway duration> <prize>.

Example: /giveaway create 1 1h Minecraft license.

You can create up to 4 (12 with subscription) active giveaways.

After the specified giveaway time passes, the giveaway ends and a winner is chosen from those people who reacted to the message.

Re-elect the winner

After the giveaway is ended, the giveaway is kept in the database for 1 more day so that you can re-elect the winner. In case you want to do this, for example because the winner does not respond, you can do it with the command /giveaway reroll <giveaway ID>. The giveaway ID can be obtained from their list with the /giveaway list command.

Remove giveaway

To remove a giveaway, you need to write /giveaway remove <giveaway ID>.