
Additional info about calculator.


The bot has a built-in calculator that can perform basic mathematical operations.


Functions use case example: /calc 100 - sin(30) - sqrt(2) + log(2, 8)

sqrt(x)Number rootsqrt(16)
cos(x)Angle cosinecos(90)
sin(x)Angle sinesin(30)
ctg(x)Angle cotangentctg(45)
tg(x)Angle tangenttg(45)
floor(x)Rounding downfloor(5.8)
ceil(x)Rounding upceil(5.8)
random(x, y)Random number between x and yrandom(0, 15)
log(x, y)Logarithm of the base x of the ylog(2, 8)

Also, you can use the following constants: pi, e.

You can't use comma to specify decimal numbers. Use dot instead.